The original idea conceived by Bertha Honoré Palmer, usually referred to as Mrs. Potter-Palmer, was to see the Temple Terrace area developed into a gold community surrounded by extensive citrus groves. After her death in 1918 and the subsequent sale…

Originally situated at 914 River Hills in Temple Terrace, the D. Collins Gillett house was the largest and most palatial of the original 8 buildings erected in the 1920's. Built in 1922-1923 by architect M. Leo Elliot the Gillett house was a…

Situated on the top of the hill on Sleepy Hollow Avenue is the Cody Fowler House. The home was built in 1922- 1923 by architect M. Leo Elliot; the domed roof can be seen in several of his builds. (example photo 2) The home is considered part of the…